Seed Money Details For Approved Projects
Below are the details for all approved seed money projects, specifically addressing how you will receive your money!
Once the Core Team has approved your final budget details ...
Project facilitators: You will need to fill out a new vendor form to be entered into the Widener University accounting system. If you attended a workshop, you have already done this!
All project facilitators will receive their full stipends at the very beginning of the project. This money can be used however you deem necessary, but could especially be used to purchase materials (see materials section below for more details).
Your Budget Items
Students: For any Widener students working on the project, the Boundaries and Bridges Team will need to receive a document including the student(s) name, number of hours they worked, and the type of work they did for the project.
If you would like to have Widener students help with your project and need recommendations for students, please let us know and we can facilitate that process. A check will be sent to the student(s) directly.
For any Chester youth working on the project, they cannot be paid directly due to work permit requirements. They can however be compensated with gift cards or Boundaries and Bridges can make a donation to a youth organization on behalf of their involvement in your project. If a donation should be made, please be sure to pass along all the necessary details.
Artists: The artist much fill out a vendor form if they have not done so previously. The Boundaries and Bridges Team will need to receive a time sheet with the artist(s)' full legal name, contact information including their mailing address and outlining the number of hours the artist(s) worked and the type of work performed. A check will be mailed to the artist(s) directly.
Professional Artists: A resume is required for each professional artist named in the budget/project details. The professional artist much fill out a vendor form if they have not done so previously.
The Boundaries and Bridges Team will need to receive a time sheet with the artist(s)' full legal name, contact information include their mailing address and outlining the number of hours the artist(s) worked and the type of work performed. A check will be mailed to the artist directly.
Materials: We cannot provide money upfront for materials. This is why each facilitator will receive their full stipend at the beginning of the project, which can be used to purchase materials if needed. We are only able to reimburse you for materials that have been purchased for the project. To be reimbursed for materials, we need to receive the original itemized receipts.
If a credit card was used to purchase materials, the name on the receipt is the person that will be reimbursed.
For materials purchased with cash, the reimbursement will go to a project facilitator.
We can also order materials for you, which we can deduct from your seed money, so you wouldn't have to be reimbursed. Please be sure to email all of the details for us to purchase/order your needed materials in time for your event, project, etc.
If materials are purchased that are reusable equipment (for example; photography equipment), it belongs to the Boundaries and Bridges project and must be returned to the Core Team once your project is complete.
Additional Guidelines
A project facilitator cannot be reimbursed for other roles in the project. For example, a project facilitator cannot also receive money for being a professional artist.
All timesheets must be SIGNED BY A FACILITATOR, before submitting.
All documents can be submitted via email to or hand delivered to the College of Arts and Sciences in Kapelski Learning Center, Room 209, located on the corner of 14th and Walnut street.